As with many others I have started spending most of my time in my apartment recently. I became interested in what this immobility might be doing to the composition of the air I breathe.
Other considerations of using GHC
This post is substantially directed to non Haskellers. Haskell frequently appears on hackernews, or /r/programming but the content is commonly evangelizing some aspect of functional programming, strong types, and purity.
Refined With Singleton Membership
I have been playing around with Nikita Volkov’s Refined library. Refined provides composable type level combinators for building smart constructors refining an existing type.
Embeddable Language Survey
C++ has a variety of embeddable languages available for integration. Almost any language can be hacked into a semi-embeddable context. This usually takes the form of putting a runtime into it’s own process, and adding many FFI hacks. Only languages where you can actually create multiple isolated VM contexts per process were considered.
Permanent Docker Images On IPFS
IPFS the InterPlanetary File System is a peer to peer, distributed, content addressable, data store. It has a variety of features such as file deduplication, torrent style swarming, and multiple clients including a browser embeddable javascript only implementation.
Higher Kinded Types For HTTP Verbs
I have been using Haskell’s Servant library for the specification of a rather large API. There are over 100 or so endpoints, and some records with dozens of fields.
Postgres 9.5 Probabilistic Data And Columnar Storage Layout Testing
While not natively suppported Postgres 9.5 extensions exist for HyperLogLog, and Columnar storage. Here I benchmark how they compare on some simple cases for a billion integers in 250 million rows.
Aspects Of My System Configuration
This will be a quick low content post going over parts of my current computing setup, and brief comments on each segment.
Servant 0.13 And ReaderIO
Most servant examples online are for older versions of servant and incompatible with the modern Haskell ecosystem. This post is built against stackage LTS 11.15, and servant 0.13. Certain aspects have been simplified, and certain things made incompatible.